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TeamWWF - Ralph Howard Hansen, Jr.

Ralph Howard Hansen, Jr.

Sponsorship Ambassador

Ralph Hansen’s experience in racing dates back to 1967 when he first became friends with Anton “Tony” Hulman, the owner of The Indianapolis Motor Speedway. 

Upon graduating from Indiana State University in 1970, Ralph went to work during the racing season at The Indianapolis Motor Speedway as an assistant to Tony Hulman.

From 1970 to 1978, Ralph got to know many race team owners and drivers. He became aware that they needed help in acquiring and managing corporate sponsors, as there were little or no professional sports marketing operations at the time.

In 1985 Ralph was introduced to the highly respected IndyCar team owner, Carl Haas, by his good friend Jack Safro. During the first year of Ralph’s involvement with Carl Haas and Paul Newman, he conceived of what is now the most successful sponsorship acquisition concept today.

Still referred to by many as the “Kmart concept,” it was the idea of a major retailer working with its vendors to support a significant sponsorship program. These programs had never been tried before their introduction by Ralph and Pegasus Marketing Group.

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

Many years later, and with over 400 hundred million dollars in sponsorship raised, the concept is still valid and in use today around the world.

Ralph has innovated other major creative programs for prominent companies like Eli Lilly and Company, McDonald’s Corporation, as well as many others.

Believing in and following “The Golden Rule” has been the standard that Ralph and his firm continue to live and do business by today.

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The Wings & Wheels Foundation helps promising young drivers advance to the next level of achievement in their careers.

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But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.

Isaiah 40:31


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